
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dirty Laundry

Well, no clean laundry for me today. Ryan brought his dad w/ him and they figured out that they've been *ordering the wrong part*. Yes. that's right. That's why the first new timer didn't work and why the one they brought today didn't either. So, they'll be back NEXT week. With another timer. That probably won't work. The plus side to this is that 1. I'm getting used to holding the knob while the laundry runs anyway 2. if timer NO. 3 doesn't work, the way I read my agreement w/ the warrenty company means we'll be getting a new washer paid for by them and 3. I get a lot of sympathy from Mark for not getting things done if I just say "well, I was trying to do a load of laundry..."

I do have to say that everything in life seems much brighter when you have a Mom's night out/in coming up. This one will be at my house, but I get to send the kids away. I've had way more energy today than I have in a week. I got some cleaning done and I made the kids wash the dog and clean the back patio. I also got myself motivated and Superman and I went for a loooong walk this morning while Sunshine was at ceramics camp. I'm going to try to do that a few times a week and see if it helps me get rid of some of the pounds I've packed on the last year or so.

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