
Thursday, July 26, 2007

Diary of an Addict: Day 3

Well, today my resolve to stay off Diet Coke was really put to the test. My tin of green tea disappeared. I have no idea where it went. I spent 10 minutes looking for it while kids screamed for food before finding a single bag of Earl Grey back behind the decaf. herbal tea and the coffee I buy for when my mom is here.

That seems to be my biggest issue w/ giving up DC - it's sooo convenient. Tea, well, first I have to actually find it since it seems the man who says he'll clean the kitchen and leaves dirty utensils laying on the counter does consider putting the tin of tea away part of cleaning the kitchen. If only I knew where he put it. I've kept that tin, rarely used, right by the coffee pot for 6 months. So, naturally when I start depending on it to make it through the day it disappears. Then I have to actually heat water and steep it. So, a single cup takes about 5 minutes to fix, longer if the tea is missing.

So, it's 9 a.m. and after waking at 7:30 (well, really at 7 if you count the time I spent laying in bed pretending to sleep while the kids made noise downstairs) I just now sat down w/ my daily caffeine. I'm irritated. But also proud that I was able to cook breakfast and clean up the kitchen without any help. lol Now lets see how a I make it thru the day since I used up the last bag of caffeine, have an extra kid coming in 10 min. so I can't go get more and it's raining so these kids will be inside all day long.

Rain Rain Go Away
Don't come again any other day
this summer
Mommy is tired
Children need to play
The tomatoes are sated
The creeks are full
The lakes are ungated
And we just want to go
to the pool
Rain rain, just go away.


Candy said...

You are way braver than I am... I *need* my Diet Coke.

I have an extra kid for the next 2 weeks too. My 8 year old niece is in town. We are supposed to go to Volente tomorrow. Ummm...

Denise said...

Good luck on Volente in the rain. Bleh. I'm about to break down.