
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Where's the sidebar?

Why oh why did my sidebar disappear. I use it to get to my friends blogs and I'm currently having to just follow the links on the couple of blogs that I have bookmarked. ARGH. I haven't changed my template in a week or so and I can't really find anything that looks like it's "off" in there.

Bleh. Maybe it will show back up tomorrow!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

We have air!

Thought I'd let everyone know that our AC is up and running so you don't have to feel sorry for us anymore. Apparently there was some sort of crack in the unit so we were leaking freon and causing global warming. Which didn't help our situation any, now did it?

I'm on "break" right now. Sunshine had a choir rehearsal at church this morning. They've having "child-led worship" tomorrow and they wanted all the kids to come up and rehearse this morning. He's singing a song and taking up the offering. I'm so proud. Superman's job it to NOT YELL during the service. Of course, if he does I can dump him in the nursery.

Anyway, since I took both boys up to the church w/ me all morning, dh was going to watch them all afternoon while I did some things. But, alas, the highway is shut down so I can't get anywhere in less than 45 min. BLEH! So, I'm playing on the 'puter and then going upstairs to clean. Fun, fun, fun.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


It rained last night so we left the windows closed all night. I woke up to 80 degrees inside, thought "my God, it's 6:30 a.m. it *must* be cooler outside." I was right - it's a chilly 70 degrees in my backyard right now. So I'm sitting here w/ all the windows open feeling a nice cool breeze. Not sure how long it will last, but hopefully at least until this AC guy comes to view my AC.

Aaaaah. Cool air. Aaaaaaah.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The few, the proud, the brainless

I really think my kids are sucking out my brain cells while I sleep. Seriously.

Superman had Cowboy Day at school today and I was supposed to bring chips (to atone for 2 parties of bringing nada) and help out w/ the sand art table. No problem, except that I thought the event was Thursday. So, he didn't wear the cute cowboy shirt I bought him and I had to mumble a lame excuse about *planning to run home to change and pick up the chips. After my record this year I'm pretty sure the teacher knows what really happened.

I get back and have to stand out in the sun in 90 degree weather helping kids make little jars of sand art. Fuuuun. I did get a couple of pics of him on the horse and jumping on the bouncy thing. Which I will post if I can find my camera. Made it all worthwhile.

Meanwhile, the boys are just getting smarter every day. Sunshine is now reading chapter books at school and knows all kinds of amazing facts about sea animals, dinosaurs and other stuff that I'm totally clueless about. And Superman knew that the mystery garden formation was a mushroom. And that Elmer's glue won't stick cloth to plastic. Although I had a hunch on that I just didn't have any superglue.

The AC is still out. We have this home warranty deal, which will save us a ton of money, but the catch is we have to go thru that company who then sets us up w/ a repair comany. I had this conversation with the repair company this morning. (WWFA = Woman with funny accent; Me = me.)

WWFA: I haaave a wark arder heee ee aaar to wark on you a-ear condi-ti- own-air.
Me: Huh?
WWFA: I haaave a wark arder heee ee aaar to wark on you a-ear condi-ti- own-air.
Me: The *air conditioner*?
WWFA: yeaus. We-ill you be the-air this afternoon?
Me: Yes. I'll be here anytime someone can come fix it.
WWFA: We-al, our guy ma-aybe we-ill (OK, I'm going to stopy typing like she talks now b/c it's giving me a headache) stop by this afternoon to look at it.
Me: Stop by to look at it?
WWFA: Yes.
Me: You mean to fix it?
WWFA: To look at it. Maybe. If he has time. We'll call you if he can come.
Me: To *fix* it?
WWFA: Maybe he *look* at it. If not today, he come tomorrow between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Me: Um, Okay (mentally trying to figure out if I can sit here and sweat all day)
WWFA: Will you be there.
Me: I should be. If not, please call me at (cell phone number)
WWFA: OK. We'll call you when he can drop by to see you

So, what I'm gathering here is that someone is "stopping by" to *look* at my broken AC, but they aren't really sure if they're going to fix it or not? Oookaaay. It was 100 degrees out there this afternoon. I think we are all going to die! Fix my AC already.

Monday, April 17, 2006


What's that supposed to mean? Where do they get those words they use for the blogger sobriety test? CECPUS. I have no idea what it means, but I'm pretty sure it's obscene in some language.

Easter and my garden

Thought I'd share some pics of our Easter weekend. The boys went to an Easter egg hunt Saturday. Sunshine was really excited about it and even laid on the couch for an hour beforehand to rest up for it:

Superman, on the other hand thought the egg hunt was a terrible idea:

Until he realized they put chocolate in the eggs and everyone got a couple of prizes from the prize table after:

Sunday we went to church and out to lunch. Here they are in their Easter outfits before we went.

Took awhile to get Superman in it and I'm not sure he's all that happy about it, but we kind of got a smile out of him. Oh to have a child who will just wear whatever I put on him without a fight. It would be heaven!

I really liked the pics of a baby pepper that Lisa posted last week so I decided to copy cat her.

The baby tomato was really cute

You can't really see it in the picture b/c my camera is obviously not as good as Lisa's is. It's up under that brownish dead flower thing - a tiny green ball.

The baby cucumber was pretty cute too, though:

A little easier to see. And here is the mystery item in my garden:

Any thoughts on what it is? It is not doggie vomit. There are two of these things and I poked around on the other one to find that it's kind of a powdery substance that is dark brown under the top.

Finally, as long as I was in the yard taking photos thought I'd show one of our compost "bin." Not really compost yet, I guess - it's supposed to take 6 months to a year.

Oh, and our AC is broken. So, if I don't post for awhile it's b/c I've had a heat stroke. Just kidding. But, we may be spending the next few afternoons hanging out at Target since they have AC and it's predicted to be in the upper 90s this week.

Friday, April 14, 2006

A pain in the neck

Yes, I have a pain in the neck. A real one. Weird. I was fine when I woke up this morning. Then I was laying in bed watching the boys play, heard a crack and now I can't move my head w/o excruciating pain. UGH!

Hopefully the Aleve will kick in and I'll feel fine in an hour or so. Since I didn't take any pics yesterday I most likely won't be participating in SPF. : ( Hmmm, unless I can get the kids to take pics that will remotely work..... Hmmm.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Another quickie

I'm trying to post at least every weekday, but don't have much time now. E won the contest on why my jeans don't fit. Thanks girlfriend. I feel much, much better now.

I did yoga this a.m. and an hour, yes, an hour on the elliptical trainer yesterday. My butt hurts so it must be firm, right?

I think I won the worst mom of the year (or at least the week) award. Superman had a party and egg hunt at his school today. First, I didn't sign up to bring anything. This will be the second party in a row that I've bailed on. Actually that's the fault of the Janes who apparently carry pens and sign up the second the list goes up on the board. But, then, I brought the eggs, but totally flaked on the fact that he'd need a basket to hunt his eggs with. His teacher said he was more than happy w/ his plastic HEB bag so maybe that's what he'll get for Easter too. hehehe

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Can someone please tell me why my jeans don't fit even though I'm trying to eat healthy and working out 3-4 times a week? UGH. Waaaaah!

That is all.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Spring fever

I really have no excuse for not blogging lately. I haven't been off on an exciting trip like Angela. I haven't been busy interviewing for new jobs like Lisa. I've just been feeling all antsy about life and not focused enough to sit for 5 minutes and give a shout out to the world. But, here I am. I'll do it now. Just be warned that it's silly ramblings and I probably won't bother to spell-check.

Let's see. Today we had a playdate w/ Sunshine's friend from school. He brings his little sis over to play w/ Superman so I don't have to entertain anyone for a few hours until his mom comes to get them. Usually it's a pretty relaxing afternoon for me, but everyone was in grumpy moods, so we had little fights breaking out all over. This one's not speaking to that one. That one hurt this one's feelings. Apparently no one likes grape juice....

My garden is starting to come up and one of the tomatoes has a couple of little yellow blossoms. Yippeee. I go out about 10 times a day to see how tall everything is. (which is why I'm never blogging. I'm too busy monitoring every tiny bit of growth) I need to thin the beans, okra and broccoli, but I just can't bring myself to pull up any of my babies. Maybe tomorrow I'll get my nerve up. Meanwhile, my basil, that I desperately *need* to be up NOW, is taking it's own sweet time. I even bought a starter plant a month ago b/c I needed fresh basil for my spaghetti. And it's all used up down to the dirt. I planted a whole big pot of seeds and there are 2, yes, 2, *tiny* little sprouts in there. C'mon basil. You've gotta be big and bushy by the time my 'maters are ready. And I'm not even going to talk about about the whole cilantro issue.

Anyway, if anyone knows what in the heck to do w/ "yellow bush beans," lemme know. I'm not sure how we ended up w/ them except that they looked kinda neat and I could fit 2 of 'em into the space I had available.

The hubby built me a little cage to try to compost and I guess that's going well. It's full of grass clippings and leaves, anyway. I won't really know if it's working or not for a few more months. I do, however, go look at it and poke at it w/ shovels and sticks a few times a day. Yeah, I'm using my time wisely.

This weekend is Easter, which reminds me I need to go fill some eggs w/ candy for a party on Thursday and go ahead and make up the baskets all pretty while the kids are outta my hair (in case I have trouble and need something else.) I don't usually do big gifts for Easter, but hubby had his heart set on this big basket at Big Lots w/ big, cheap toys in it. Of course, he didn't bother to buy it, just told me to. When I went back they were out. So, I went shopping and got a ton of junk to stick in there. Candy and the usual, plus Sunshine is getting a some Star Wars figures and Superman is getting a Superman action figures to add to his growing collection.

I'm really, really ready for summer. A couple of my commitments, which I'm getting really tired of, will be up come summer and I can hardly wait. I'd say I'll blog more then, but you can find me by the pool whenever I get free time.

Monday, April 03, 2006

World's Shortest Personality Test

Your Personality Profile
You are dreamy, peaceful, and young at heart.Optimistic and caring, you tend to see the best in people.You tend to be always smiling - and making others smile.
You are shy and intelligent... and a very hard worker.You're also funny, but many people don't see your funny side.Your subtle dry humor leaves your close friends in stitches.