Paint Fumes
I've finally decided to paint the cabinets in my kitchen. I've hated the color ever since we moved in her and my hatred has deepened since we repainted the kitchen walls a year or so ago. I keep thinking I need to save up some money and pay someone because all the websites on how to do it make it sound extremely hard with suggestions of painting with some type of special putty first to make the paint stick and rigging up some kind of thing on the shower curtain rod to hang the doors up to dry. Oookay. So, night before last I grabbed some white paint and some brushes and talked Mark into taking one of the cabinet doors off for me. Since this process involved power tools he happily obliged.
So far, so good, but I've realized that at the rate I'm going it's going to take me at least 2 weeks to complete this project. This is as fast as I can go given the need for two coats per door and on each cabinet and the need for them to dry for 2 hours between coats and overnight before replacing. I only have so much space in which I'm willing to paint and dry doors and that space will hold about 3-4 doors or drawers a day. Add in that both sides of the doors have to be painted and throw in a dash of paranoia about the kids messing with it all if I paint while they're at home and that two weeks may take even longer.
The up side is it's not nonstop painting so I am getting other stuff done. The down side is that I'm going to be sniffing paint fumes quite a bit for awhile. I took some pictures today and I'll post them as soon as I either load Photoshop onto the new computer or Mark tells me where to find this great photo program that is "hidden" on here. Since it doens't involve power tools I'll either have to wait a few weeks or do it myself.