Whew! I'm ready for school to be out. I think. Dropped off the dyed rigatoni for the party at school tomorrow. For some reason Room Mom wants to make samples of the necklaces for the kids. They're making necklaces w/ pasta. Who needs a sample? I'm sure she will not be pleased when she learns that we dyed about 90 percent of the 3 boxes of rigatoni green. What can I say? My kids like green. There are three different shades of green, so there!
Last weekend we went to 4 parties. Yes, four. We were actually invited to 6, but declined 2 b/c it was just too much. It was all fun, but I'm wiped out. Kids are too I guess, since Superman asked to come home and take a nap at 10 a.m. hehehe Which means I finally get a chance to blog a bit.
I get the worst mom award this week for not getting my son fully covered w/ sunscreen and burning his back. I'd take a pic and post it but don't want any evidence just in case CPS comes knocking at my door. I can see it now. "She not only let the kid get a horrendous burn, but she was so proud of it she posted pictures on her blog."
Otherwise it was a lovely weekend. We spent all day Sat. at a church party at Emma Long park. Actually it was supposed to be our whole Sunday School class, but only 3 families showed. Meaning we got more boat time. It was hard to leave but we had another party that evening so we drug ourselves away.
Apparently Superman had even more fun at the evening party. Seems he now has a GIRLFRIEND. All I know is that she is 5 and she chases him and that means she is his girlfriend. Any guesses on who it is? I need a name for that wedding invitation.
Speaking of invites, I made the invites for the kids' birthday parties this year. I can't really post them b/c I used a cheap and easy program that doesn't save as any blogger-recognized file type. They were cool, but would've been cooler if the kids let me put what *I* wanted on them. I wanted Superman's to say "It's a bird, it's a plane......it's a Super party" but he insisted on "You're invited to a Superman party." Before you say who cares, kid can't read, remember that his lovely brother can and will tell him that Mommy did it wrong. Brothers stick together that way, you know. But, here's the photo I put on the front of Sunshine's invite:
Gotta amuse myself somehow!