I'm still here....
In case anyone thought I'd fallen off the face of the earth. Just a lotta stress.
Since most of what's going on in my life is mostly boring AND depressing, I decided to share some random family news in honor of Way Back Wednesday, which is on hiatus this week. My mom called this a.m. to update me on a surgery my dad had and also wanted to tell me that my long lost second cousin called.
If I had a picture in my possession I'd post it, but I don't. Candy and Mandy were my mom's cousin's daughters. But, her cousin lived w/ them from the time he was about 10, so they were a little closer than "regular" second cousins.
Thru a series of issues, including her parent's divorce, a falling out after my grandmother died and just the general realities of life, we hadn't heard from Candy and Mandy since shortly after my grandma died back in 1991. Which is a lot longer ago than I can really accept b/c in a way 1991 sounds like just yesterday. I mean, I just graduated from college a few years ago, back in '92, right?
Anyway, so Candy is doing just great, married, works for Cingulair - the company who my entire family uses for their cell phone service. Coincidence? Maybe. Anyway, it was nice to hear that she's doing well in life. Her sister is doing OK. Divorced w/ kids, but sounds like she's getting thru it all OK.
Really weird to just not hear from someone for 15 years and then they just call outta the blue when you needed a little pick-me-up. Life's funny that way..